Thursday, 18 August 2011

The Inbetweeners Movie

Pure hilarity. I can't explain it any more than this, I loved the series' and so I watched the film on the day of release with Beth, and we definitely weren't disappointed! The entire crowd was in hysterics every few minutes, and it wasn't all teens as i would have expected. The audience varied from obvious 15 year olds (possibly 14's that lied about their age) up to a guy that was sat opposite us that looked about 60! The film is much like the series, but it has a few extra gross bits and a fair bit of male nudity. This all adds to the funny parts though and I for one wished the film didn't have to end when it did!



  1. I had completely forgotten that they were going to make a movie... must watch.

  2. Will I enjoy this if I'm not british?

  3. You really will, they don't have specifically british humour, however, quite a lot of the film relates to parts of the tv series, so you may want to watch the series before watching the film to get the full blast of the funnys. However, you will still find a fair bit of the film funny without seeing the series. They are comedy genius'

  4. Will i enjoy this movie if I am British?

  5. "possibly 14's that lied about their age"
    Typical inbetweeners!

    Do you think this'll still be funny to people who can't relate (i.e. female audience)?

  6. Definitely, if you have a sense of childish humour you will enjoy it, beth thoroughly enjoyed it! :)
